By Micro Connectors

Micro Connectors F04-240BK-KIT Black Premium Sleeved PSU Cable Extension Kit

SKU: F04-240BK-KIT

Regular price $24.95
Regular price Sale price $24.95

Regular price $24.95
Regular price Sale price $24.95
Micro Connectors F04-240BK-KIT Black Premium Sleeved PSU Cable Extension Kit is a great way to improve the look and feel of your PC build. The kit includes black sleeved cables for the 24-pin ATX, 8-pin EPS, and 6-pin PCI-E power connectors. The cables are made of high-quality materials and are built to last. They are also very easy to install.

The Micro Connectors F04-240BK-KIT Black Premium Sleeved PSU Cable Extension Kit is a great way to add a touch of style and elegance to your PC build. The cables are made of high-quality materials and are built to last. They are also very easy to install. If you are looking for a way to improve the look and feel of your PC build, the Micro Connectors F04-240BK-KIT Black Premium Sleeved PSU Cable Extension Kit is a great option.

Micro Connectors Premium Sleeved PSU Extension Kit are great for decorating and improving airflow for your system build. With its high-quality cable assembly wrapped in a triple-layered flexible heat-shrink free sleeving, these cable kit gives you a clean and appealing look. The included cable combs ensure cable separation, improving airflow while giving you an organized look. With five different colors to choose from – Black, Blue, White, Red/Black, White/Black, these cable kits let you customize your system build.
Model:  F04-240BK-KIT
Color:  Black
Dimensions:  11 x 9 x 2 inches
24 Pin ATX Extension Cable - 30cm (11.81”) x 1
8 Pin (4+4) Pin EPS Extension Cable - 45cm (17.72”) x 1
8 Pin (6+2) Pin PCI-E Extension Cable - 45cm (17.72”) x 2
Cable Combs:
24 Pin x 2
8 Pin x 6
6 Pin x 6